Sunday, June 26, 2011


This is a picture of some great people! From Left to Right, Rob Penticoff, a friend Kate and I met by chance at MegaCon 2011 in Orlando, Florida in March! I ran into him after a quarrel with Kate, and I was in awe at his Doctor Who shirt and his button up old school Star Wars shirt. I needed a picture with him, and afterwards, Kate and I kept seeing him all around the convention with Ralph, pictured next to him on the right! Ralph and Rob are like BFF just as Kate and I are! So the four of us keep in touch. It just so happens that they both live close to Universal Studios and are still in school as well! So it's funny how things work. I see a lot of frequent partnered trips to Universal in the future for the four of us! And of course, perfection in the form of I, with by HUGE CUP OF LMAONADE, I NEEDED IT, followed by Top Supermodel Kate Bray, and then on the far right, we have Mister Jesse! This poor guy got dragged along to Universal so we could cheer him up after a rough couple of days/nights. You can't tell that he had fun, but Kate and I got a few smiles and laughs out of that guy throughout the day. He seemed to fancy my deep manly voice and feminine outwardly facing stomach. I'm a total babe, what's new? We all ate at Hard Rock Orlando and it was delicious and we talked about everything and anything. It was such a delicious and exhausting day, but well deserved by the five of us!

PS- Kate is gay for wearing thongs